Getting Paid the Way You Want: RTS Payment Options

No matter who you are—a 12-year-old paperboy or a trucking company with 50 power units---you’ve thought about the best way to get paid for your services. But sometimes the answer isn’t so clear. So let’s find out the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four payment options we at RTS offer. What’s behind Door #1? 3% 2-Day Quickpay ACH! This is ideal if you want speed and lower prices. [...]

Getting Paid the Way You Want: RTS Payment Options2021-02-16T11:22:59-05:00

Why Was I Billed for This?: Five of the Most Common Accessorial Charges

Have you ever noticed that adulthood is just a constant loop of you asking yourself, “Where did my money go?” No? Still, if you notice some extra charges on your freight invoice, you’re going to want to know why. An accessorial charge may be added to your bill for services that go beyond normal pickup and delivery. Here are five of the most common accessorial charges you might face. [...]

Why Was I Billed for This?: Five of the Most Common Accessorial Charges2021-02-16T11:23:10-05:00

Don’t Drive Away Your Good Health: Tips for Staying Healthy as a Truck Driver

by Alana Gale Seeing as it’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week and we at RTS are so grateful for all the loads you drivers have helped us get done, we wanted to load you up with information on how to stay healthy in the transportation industry. Yeah, yeah, we know--we’re not the first people to give you advice on this (and we probably won’t be the last). But we know [...]

Don’t Drive Away Your Good Health: Tips for Staying Healthy as a Truck Driver2024-05-06T16:00:00-04:00